Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Moving forward with faith

Hi. It has been a while, but I'm not giving up. I imagine God, lately, as being the most patient being ever, and here's why. We are created in His image, which means much, but in part, that means, to me anyways, that we have been given power to affect change in our lives and the lives of others. This could be something simple and basic, like acting on impulses. Discipline, and of course morals, ethics, etc., reign our impulses in, and also provides patience. Where I'm going with this is that people often act on impulses without even being aware, and thank God we don't have power rivalling His! Think about how many people act rashly, out of selfishness or fear, causing destruction to self and others. Now think about God. He has ultimate power, and could change everything He finds distasteful in the blink of an eye. But He is patient. I must learn to be patient, and trust He is dealing with everything in good time - His time. Instead of acting on every impulse, trying to avenge every wrong, manually adjusting the world in real time, I will spend my effort on going with His flow, and moving forward with faith. That's all I got.