Sunday, November 15, 2009

Are discipline and passion mutually exclusive?

Can you be so disciplined in a relationship, refusing sexual intercourse, without killing the passion necessary, for some people, that gauges whether someone wants to be together for a lifetime? In today's world, with divorce rates so high, is the pleasure seeking quotient also so high, as to make one's decision based solely one sexual compatability, even if it is taken at the beginning of a relationship, without eyes on the horizon on what dreams may come? What role does faith and belief that the one you're with will get better at loving you, or are people so jaded and selfish that they can't wait for something like marriage before they start learning to truly enjoy learning to love one another in what essentially is the beginning of the next level of intimacy? For me, it must be something I feel, and while I believe discipline, and waiting for something makes it much better, I don't believe that discipline and passion are mutually exclusive, because we are dynamic creatures, we humans. The trick is finding someone that loves to dance just as much as you do (or as little) and then playing music you both enjoy and can spend time together appreciating. There must always be more, and I feel patience, and true care, reap the greatest rewards regarding real and lasting intimacy, and that's way better than sex that suffers because it peaked too early in a relationship, or was the sole basis for wanting to be with someone (i.e. what they can do for you) That's my take - what's yours?

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